Monday 3 October 2011

My audience research.

I have asked different people relatively easy questions such as What is your favourite type of music? Why?

-Ali Oram: Dance/ Club because it has a heavy beat that i can get into and just chill to, it pumps you up when you need it and it can also just relax you. It also inspires quite a few movies thats i make and the style of the music is also a good style to live.

-Ali Baxter: Indie. cause it is easy to listen to and i like guitars.

-Alvaro Sanchez: Classical music, it helps to concentrate with revision. My favourite author is Mozart, i just love it.

As you can see this is not very accurate but I have also asked some girls in my boarding house and after living there for about 4 years, I know what girls like and we're all ages around 16 and 19. Most of the girls around my ages listen to pop music.

Does a video make a difference to a song?
I would say that it does make a difference, but my own opinion is not the only one that counts so I decided to ask a few people what they thought, and most of them turned out to have the same opinion as me. The reason behind this is when you listen to a song you really like you normally like it because of the artist who would often be in the video and you get to understand the song better. However, this difference it makes isnt always in a good way, a video can "ruin" the song by having bad actors or just having a bad filming group. For example, Rihanna is an incredible singer and very good dancer, but her music videos aren't perfect, sometimes the can be okay, but most of them ruin the songs she sings such as "Rude Boy".

What attracts people to videos?
In terms of what young people like now a days, I strongly believe that there are a few factors which could be considered when choosing a video to watch, these are: how good looking the main characters are, how wealthy they look and how good the are at dancing/singing. Out of those three I would personally say that the singing/dancing is the most important one, because no matter how good looking the characters are if they are bad at singing they are bad. Another important factor which is often considered is how well known the characters are. For example In Rihanna's video "I love the way you lie" She is nto the main character, it is Megan Fox, who is very well known celeb who is good looking and looks wealthy. This is what I mean by those factors considered when watching a video.

What puts people off videos?
As said above, young people teeneagers these days have a very distinctive taste and very simple opinions on music videos. I would personally say that what can put me off a music video is the characters, they must be good "actors" to be able to amke a good video. But also, the atmosphere they are filmed in, which according to Andrew Goodwin's the enviroment and atmosphere have to relate to the song. You can't have a song which claims to have a broken heart but then have a happy themed video.  However, research is not only about myself. After living in a boarding house with 76 other girls, I have come to the conclusion that what can put off a video is the looks and how good or bad they are at singing/dancing.

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